Emergency Services Advisory Council

The Emergency Services Advisory Council is required with the establishment of the Carroll County Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services (DFEMS)
A. Volunteer Representatives:
• One Representative from the Eastern Region (Companies 2, 4, and 7);
• One Representative from the Central Region (Companies 3, 6, 9, and 10);
• One Representative from the Western Region (Companies 5, 8, and 11);
• One Representative from the Southern Region (Companies 1, 12, 13, and 14);
• The Chairperson or designee from the Fire Rescue Operations Committee;
• The Chairperson or designee from the EMS Operations Committee.
B. Career Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician Representatives:
• Two (2) Uniformed Career Employee Representatives, one of whom shall be a Union
• All career representatives must be full time employees of DFEMS and be endorsed to
participate as a representative by his or her Company or, if applicable, County
C. Citizen Representatives:
• Three (3) citizens that are primary residents of Carroll County, Maryland.
All citizen appointees shall not have an active affiliation with any Fire, Rescue and EMS Service in
any way, so they may purely represent the consumers’ perspective regarding Fire, Rescue and
EMS services.
Non-voting Representatives:
A. One (1) Carroll County Commissioner;
B. The designated Jurisdictional Medical Director;
C. The Director of the CCDFEMS; and
D. The President of CCVESA
E. The non-voting members of ESAC have the right to attend and fully participate in the business of ESAC by virtue of their positions but shall not have the right to vote or hold an elected office. Non-voting members may set agenda items, initiate discussions, receive the input, advice and recommendations of ESAC and communicate with the county commissioners on behalf of ESAC when appropriate.