County Drop Boxes

Drop Box Location for County Office Building
This area can be found on the side of the building under the green awning.
There are drop boxes available for the following areas:
County Attorney
Development Review
Public Works
Public Safety
Resource Management
Board of Zoning Appeals
Board of License Commissioners (Liquor Board)
There are also drop boxes for tax payments, water sewer payments, and deeds. No cash is to be placed in the tax payment drop box.
Permits drop box-located in the lower level vestibule drop area, electrical, plumbing, gas and fire permit applications only, 8:00-5:00 (normal business hours, when the building is open). Building permit applications are required to be submitted in person by calling 410-386-2674 (appt currently required)
DPW drop box- located in the lower level vestibule drop area, general DPW correspondence, 8:00-5:00 (normal business hours when the building is open).
Drop Box Location for Bureau of Aging & Disabilities
The gray drop box located on the sidewalk by the main door to the Aging administrative offices (125 Stoner Avenue). Documents collected here are MAP Services, Veterans Services, transportation ticket services, and available all day.
Drop Box Location for Bureau of Housing & Community Connections
The drop box is located in the lobby outside the Department of Citizen Services/Housing entrance (10 Distillery Drive, Suite 101). No cash is collected at this drop box location. Only housing-related correspondence is collected. Available when the building is open, Monday through Friday 7:00 am -7:00 pm and weekends 7:00 am -Noon; box is checked throughout the day during regular hours of business operation
Tax Payment Instructions
1. Place tax bill in an envelope. Print name and phone number on the front of the envelope.
2. Checks and money orders are acceptable. NO CASH
3. Make checks payable to Commissioners of Carroll County.
4. Place the envelope in red box.
5. Your canceled check will be your receipt.