Location: Carroll County Vehicle Maintenance Facility 1250 Old Meadow Branch Road, Westminster, MD 21157

What: Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Document Shredding

When: Saturday, April 12, 2025, from 8 a.m.-noon

Where: Carroll County Vehicle Maintenance Facility, 1250 Old Meadow Branch Road, Westminster, MD 21157
(off Md. Rte. 97, north of Westminster, go past Meadow Branch Road to Old Meadow Branch Road).

Contact: recycling@carrollcountymd.gov, the Bureau of Solid Waste 410-386-2510 or the Northern Landfill 410-386-4550

About: Carroll County residents can drop off dangerous household items listed below and shred sensitive documents from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. Click here for the event flyer

Items ACCEPTED at the household hazardous waste drop-off event include gasoline or gas/oil mix, kerosene, oil-based paints and thinners, solvents, stains, sealants, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, photographic and pool chemicals, household cleaners, compact fluorescent light bulbs, fluorescent light tubes, household use size rechargeable batteries including lithium, nickel cadmium and NiMH batteries, and vape liquids in consumer containers.

Items NOT ACCEPTED at this event include: latex paint (dispose with household trash after adding an absorbent agent such as cat litter, sand, mulch, or shredded paper to dry), household batteries (alkaline), explosives, ammunition, fireworks, medical and biohazard waste, radioactive material, compressed gas tanks and cylinders, asbestos, items from commercial and industrial businesses or farms, vehicle batteries, motor oil, and antifreeze. Vehicle batteries, motor oil, and antifreeze are accepted year-round at the Northern Landfill Recycling Center, 1400 Baltimore Boulevard, Westminster, during normal business hours.

Document shredding is residential only, no businesses.  Sensitive documents will be shredded on-site and securely destroyed. Limit 3 bags or Banker's Boxes (approx. 24"x15"x10").

Medication and Sharps Takeback Items Accepted: Prescription, Over the Counter, & Pet Medications
(no liquids), Supplements, Syringes, Needle Tips, Lancets, & Auto-Injectors. Visit the Carroll County Health Department for more info. 
