Commercial Projects
Commercial Building Permits Are Required For The Construction, Alteration, Change Of Use, Repair, Addition, And Removal Of Structures.
Contact The Zoning Department And The Development Review Department First Before Applying For Any Commercial Building Permit.
In the case of demolitions, of facilities, ALL must be notified to MDE and EPA Region III, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in writing, regardless of the presence or absence of asbestos. If there is no asbestos, notification is the responsibility of the owner or general contractor. If asbestos is involved, again, notification is the responsibility of the asbestos contractor. (For MDE’s purposes, a demolition involves the removal of load-bearing structures. An internal gutting, no matter how extensive, is a renovation.)

Building Codes Save Lives:
The Carroll County Bureau of Permits and Inspections wishes to invite you to visit the International Code Council sites below to better understand the importance and value codes and standards have on our everyday lives.