Volunteer Recreation Councils

All interested individuals are welcome and encouraged to attend recreation council meetings. It is recommended that local organizations send representatives to these meetings so that council members may learn about your activities. Individuals requiring an interpreter should contact the Department of Citizen Services at 410-386-3600 or by email to ada@carrollcountymd.gov as soon as possible however by five workdays before a scheduled meeting.  

Recreation councils are volunteer organizations. Please call to confirm meetings.


Volunteer Registration Form   Approved Volunteers

Volunteer of the Year

Good Sportsmanship Code of Conduct

Good Sportsmanship Code of Conduct Appeal Process

Concussion Information

Participant Accident - Injury Form

CCPS Inclement Weather Regarding Use of Facilities

Severe Weather Policy

Volunteer Background Check FAQ's

Volunteer Training


Carroll County Arts Council - Web Site
President: Gail Slater
Executive Director: Stephen Strosnider, 410-848-7272


Charles Carroll Recreation Council - Web Site
President: Kathy Lowe

Contact: Becky Kishter, bkishter@carrollcountymd.gov The Council meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. at the Charles Carroll Community Center, 3719 Littlestown Pike, Westminster, on the second Thursday.


Carroll County Equestrian Council - Web Site

President: Darlene Welsh
Recreation Coordinator: Jamie Noel, 410-386-2103, or jnoel@carrollcountymd.gov 

The Council meets monthly at 7:30 pm in the County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD Rooms 003-004 on the first Tuesday.


Central Carroll Recreation Council - Web Site

President: Robert Freter
Community Coordinator: Steve Krouse, skrouse@carrollcountymd.gov

The Council meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. at Mechanicsville Elementary School on the second Tuesday.


Freedom Area Recreation Council - Web Site

President: Ken Whalen
Community Coordinator: Natalie Janoski njanoski@carrollcountymd.gov 

The Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the South Carroll Senior and Community Center. 


Friends of Hashawha & Bear Branch - Web Site

Chairperson: Kristin Darby, friendsofhbb@gmail.com

Contact: Jenna Mele, 410-386-3580, or jmele@carrollcountymd.gov 

The Friends group meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Bear Branch Nature Center.


North Carroll Recreation Council - Web Site

President: Andy Kiler
Community Coordinator: Maria Arista, martista@carrollcountymd.gov

The Council meets monthly at 8:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday at North Carroll Senior & Community Center.


Piney Run Recreation and Conservation Council - Facebook

President: Colleen Winters

Contact Person: Renee Schoff, PineyRunParkCouncilTreasurer@gmail.com

Council meetings are held bi-monthly at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at the Piney Run Nature Center. Please call 410-795-6043 to confirm the meeting date, time, and location.

Piney Run Recreation and Conservation Council Current Meeting Minutes


West Carroll Recreation Council

President: Stephanie Clavell
Community Coordinator: Penny Rockwood, prockwood1@carrollcountymd.gov

The Council meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Monday at the New Windsor Community Room.  


Westminster Area Recreation Council - Web Site

President: John Neubert

Community Coordinator: Laine Janoski,  ejanoski@carrollcountymd.gov

The Council meets virtually at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday in January, March, May, July, September, and November.  Contact Laine Janoski for information. 


Winfield Recreation Council

President: Buddy Brown

Contact: Natalie Janoski, njanoski@carrollcountymd.gov

The Council meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. at Mayeksi Park or the South Carroll High School Media Center on the fourth Monday of each month.  


Woodbine Recreation Council - Web Site

President: Eric Troppman

Community Coordinator: Miyah Edwards, 410-386-2103

The Council meets every quarter. Contact ccrec@carrollcountymd.gov for meeting dates and locations.