Carroll County Housing Study

For the first time since 2005, Carroll County, with assistance from the consulting firm Mosaic Community Planning, is completing a new Housing Study for the county. Mosaic’s Housing Study will provide Carroll County with a detailed analysis of the current housing stock - its availability, accessibility, adequacy, and affordability - as well as an assessment of the housing needed to meet future demand. This analysis will be informed by significant data analysis and engagement with stakeholders and community members and will inform strategic, actionable fair housing goals and priorities.
The planning team has been out in communities throughout the county to hear from residents about their housing needs and challenges. From festivals and carnivals to focus groups and virtual meetings, hundreds of Carroll County residents have had a chance to share their input. If you haven't yet found us at an event near you, check back in the fall as we schedule additional events to share the results of the study.
- August: Development and refinement of recommendations
- September/October: Housing Study is finalized and presented to community and County officials
- October 31: Project close-out
"What is the purpose of the Housing Study?"
Carroll County will be developing a new County Master Plan that will set the framework for the future land use decisions of the County. This Housing Study component will provide information and recommendations for land use decision-making, analyze zoning and regulatory environment, provide information on trends of all types of housing, and obtain necessary housing information on access to and barriers related to obtaining and maintaining a safe living environment for adults, families, parents/caregivers, children, and youth populations of Carroll County.
The study will consider existing conditions including current county and municipal zoning, infrastructure, development policies, and regulations. The study will identify areas for housing including but not limited to affordable housing (meeting the average median income criteria for extremely low, very low, and low incomes) age-restricted, age-targeted, redevelopment and adaptive reuse opportunities as well as the usage of alternative housing styles. This study will analyze the county’s needs to meet the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing law’s criteria and support long-term county housing needs and economic development opportunities.
"What is meant by an “Assessment of Fair Housing”?"
New state planning requirements being phased in under 2021’s HB 90 create a new imperative for Maryland jurisdictions to include in their comprehensive plans “an assessment of fair housing to ensure the local jurisdiction is affirmatively furthering fair housing”. This means that, as it is planning for the future, Carroll County must consider meaningful actions it can take to overcome any patterns of segregation and to promote inclusive communities that hold opportunity for all residents, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, national origin, and whether they have children. An Assessment of Fair Housing is the analytical step that patterns of segregation and/or barriers to opportunity to be remedied.
"How is the Housing Study related to the recent Economic Development and Land Use Study?"
The County completed its Economic Development and Land Use Study (EDLU) in 2023. Although both the EDLU and the Housing Study will serve similar functions in developing data and land use recommendations to inform the upcoming Master Plan update, they cover different but related, subject areas. The County is grateful for all the public engagement in the EDLU through survey responses, focus groups, and open houses and hopes for similar levels of interest and engagement with the Housing Study.
"What data will be collected and analyzed?"
The study will consider two primary types of data: 1) input from residents and community stakeholders; and 2) standardized sources of quantitative data, including figures from the Census, American Community Survey, and local sources.
Specific variables that will be studied include characteristics of the existing housing stock; development trends; existing housing market conditions; current county and municipal zoning, infrastructure, development policies and regulations; projected future housing needs; and areas for new housing development (including but not limited to affordable housing, age-restricted, age-targeted, redevelopment and adaptive reuse opportunities, as well as the usage of alternative housing styles such as tiny houses and manufactured housing).
"How will the study impact the community? "
The Housing Study will ensure that housing policies and goals in the upcoming Master Plan will be informed by current data and thorough research. The Master Plan is a fundamental tool for guiding Carroll County’s growth and land use over the coming 10 years, so an accurate understanding of the current housing landscape now is important for ensuring the County’s long-range planning adequately meets the county’s housing needs in the future.
"Who is conducting the Housing Study?"
The Carroll County Bureau of Comprehensive Planning is responsible for the planning effort, in cooperation with the Department of Citizens Services, which encompasses the Aging & Disabilities and Housing & Community Development Bureaus. Additionally, the County has contracted with Mosaic Community Planning, a housing planning consulting firm, to take the lead in developing the study and engaging residents in its creation.
"How can residents participate or provide input? "
The Housing Study depends, in large part, on the input and insight of residents. A variety of opportunities have been made available to receive resident input, including a survey, various in-person outreach events held throughout the county, and focus groups. Check back here this fall as we schedule additional events to share the results of the study.
"What policies or strategies will be recommended? "
Until the research is completed, and resident input is evaluated, it is premature to outline policies and strategies the housing study will recommend, however, potential policy recommendations or strategies that could emerge from the housing study may involve affordable housing initiatives, zoning changes, incentives for developers, or plans for future infrastructure investments.
"What is the expected timeline? "
The County’s website is the best place to follow the progress of the Housing Study and is where future public presentations of the study’s results will be announced.
If you’d like to receive email updates about the project, including notification when the study results are released to the public, sign up here.
If you can't find the answer to your question about the Housing Study here, please contact the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning at