
The Planning Commission requests that all those in attendance who wish to address the Planning & Zoning Commission first register on the Sign-in sheet. Further, we insist that all speakers be recognized by the presiding officer before they address the Planning Commission. Time limits may be established in instances where multiple speakers wish to be heard. Adherence to these rules will facilitate timely meetings, ensure orderly processes, promote opportunities for public discourse and allow more citizens to present their views

1. Call to Order/Welcome

2. Establishment of Quorum

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Review and Approval of Agenda

5. Review and Approval of Minutes (November 14, 2023)

6. Commission Member Reports - A. Commission Chair, B. Ex-Officio Member, C. Other Commission Members

7. Administrative Report (Christopher Heyn) - A. Administrative Matters B. Extensions, C. BZA Cases, D. Other

8. Economic Development and Land Use Study – Question and Answer - Consultant, Andrew Gray, Paige Sunderland

9. General Public Comment

10. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 9:00 am Reagan Room 003
