Bureau of Comprehensive Planning Staff

Bureau of Comprehensive Planning Staff

Planning Administration

Bureau Chief – Mary Lane - Manages and supervises the operations and work program of the Bureau, including all land use and functional plans, master plan implementation, historic preservation, rezonings, municipal annexations, zoning code text amendments, demographic reporting and forecasting, and coordination on land use issues with the County’s eight municipalities. This position is also responsible for coordinating on state and regional transportation projects, and represents Carroll County on the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board.

Mary Lane mlane@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2507

Administrative Assistant - Gail Hawkins - This position assumes chief responsibility for coordinating the business calendar for the Planning Director; performs numerous administrative assignments delegated by the Director; and coordinates the scheduling of agenda items for the Bureau with the County Commissioners' Office. This position also serves as the Clerk to the Carroll County Planning & Zoning Commission, preparing and distributing Planning Commission meeting agendas, attending Planning Commission meetings, and preparing related correspondence and minutes.

Gail Hawkins thawkins@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2132

Office Associate  - Robin Crouse - Provides administrative assistance and support for the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning. Is responsible for all clerical activities within the Bureau and greets citizens and refers them to the appropriate staff.

Robin Crouse rcrouse@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-5145

Meet the Planning Staff

Comprehensive Planner – Clare Stewart 

  • Geographic Areas: Town of Sykesville
  • Planning Processes: Patapsco Regional Greenway, Rural Villages Assessment, Safe Routes to Schools
  • Planner: Transportation Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Sustainable Communities
  • Committees and Commissions: Technical Committee, Congestion Management Committee and Regional Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Group for the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, Finksburg Planning and Citizens’ Council, Mason Dixon Task Force.

Clare Stewart cstewart@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2258

Comprehensive Planner – Hannah Weber

  • Geographic Areas: Town of Mount Airy, Election Districts 9 and 13
  • Planning Processes: Annexations, Piecemeal Rezonings, Historic Preservation and National Environmental Policy Act (106) reviews 
  • Planner: Local and state legislative issues
  • Committees and Commissions: Historic Preservation Commission Secretary

Hannah Weber hweber@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2139

Comprehensive Planner - Andrew Gray, AICP

  • Geographic Areas: Town of Hampstead, Town of Manchester, Election Districts 6 and 8
  • Planning Processes: Economic Development and Land Use Study, Rural Villages Assessment
  • Planner: Water and Sewer Planning
  • Committees and Commissions: Hampstead Main Street Committee, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles working group for the Baltimore Metropolitan Council and Maryland, Water Resource Coordination Council, Chesapeake Bay Program's Land Use Work Group

Andrew Gray agray@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2141

Comprehensive Planner – Tiffany Fossett

  • Geographic Areas: City of Taneytown, Finksburg Planning and Citizens Council, Freedom District Citizen Association, Election Districts 1,2 3, 4, 5 and 14
  • Planning Processes: Carroll County Housing Study
  • Planner: Housing Issues, Sustainable Communities Program
  • Committees and Commissions: Circle of Caring, Baltimore Metropolitan Council Housing Committee, Transit Advisory Council

Tiffany Fossett tfossett@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2137

GIS Analyst – Kathleen Comber 

  • Responsibilities: This position prepares maps and GIS data for various planning projects.
  • Planning Projects: Annual Planning Report, Triennial Update, Water and Sewer GIS Analyses
  • Planning Processes: Demographic Data, Monthly Demographic Reports, 30 Year Demographic Forecasts
  • Committees and Commissions: Cooperative Forecasting Group for the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board

Kathleen Comber kcomber@carrollcountymd.gov or 410-386-2023

Planning Technician – Vacant

  • Geographic Areas: Town of Union Bridge, Town of New Windsor, Election Districts 10, 11 and 12
  • Planning Processes: Zoning Administrator, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Agricultural Preservation Program Reviews, Rural Villages Assessment, Annual Planning Report
  • Planner: GIS and planning assistance





Planners' Geographic Areas of Responsibility

Planners' Geographic Areas of Responsibility