December 4 Open House Public Input Board Results!

Walking Biking Rolling in Finksburg Rate Your Level of Comfort - Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure Rate Your Level of Comfort - Crossing Facilities and Amenities

The Baltimore Regional Transportation Board’s (BRTB) Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) program provides short-term funding and support to help local governments reduce traffic and enable more people to walk, bike, and use transit. This year, the TLC program funded the Finksburg Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Feasibility Study, among other projects. This study is led by Carroll County, working with Toole Design, with support from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC). 

Aligned with the recommendations outlined in the Finksburg Corridor Plan, the study encompasses the entire Finksburg Sustainable Community (SC), leveraging its mix of residential and commercial uses. 

The study will:

  • Prioritize enhancing bicycle and pedestrian circulation between land uses and neighborhoods.  
  • Assess the feasibility of implementing a safe and comfortable bicycle and pedestrian network in Finksburg that will offer a comfortable experience for both drivers and non-motorized travelers.
  • Identify optimal locations for infrastructure.

As Finksburg is an area slated for redevelopment, this project strategically positions the County to advocate for infrastructure design and construction during the development review process, as well as to secure grant funding through initiatives like the Sustainable Communities Program. Seeing as the area has little to no existing infrastructure, the study will utilize a clean slate which enhances the opportunity for creativity. Given the limited existing infrastructure, the study presents an opportunity for innovative solutions tailored to the community’s needs. 

Contact: Tiffany Fossett, Comprehensive Planner
P: (410) 386-5145


Study Area Finksburg Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning and Feasibility Study