Department of Planning & Land Management

Director - Planning & Land Management
Provides overall administrative, fiscal and guidance related to departmental functions.
Christopher Heyn, P.E.

Deputy Director - Planning & Land Management
Works closely with the department director and provides direct oversight to the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Administration. Acts as the lead planner for the county, responsible for strategic direction, development, and processing of Carroll County Master Plan documents. Manages staff and consultant resources, facilitates stakeholder involvement, and champions work products. Ensures county compliance with all appropriate Federal, State, and local land use laws and other regulatory requirements.
Daphne Daly

Special Projects Coordinator
Coordinates development and implementation of the Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plan as it applies to Carroll County, the Carroll County Water Resources Element, and other "big picture" water supply, wastewater, and water quality issues and plans. Facilities coordination and collaboration on other special planning and water resource projects involving multiple agencies and/or municipalities. Coordinates staff response to planning and environmental state and federal initiatives and legislation.
Brenda J. M. Dinne

GIS Manager
Manages the Geographic Information System projects within the GIS Division. Prepares data, maps, and performs analyses for various projects including the Commercial and Industrial Buildable Land Inventory, County-owned land, municipal assistance, and Census. Performs other duties as directed by the Director.
Sandra L. S. Baber

GIS Analyst III
Coordinates and updates the County's parcel layer and the Residential Buildable Land Inventory. Maintains data and maps for Rural Legacy, municipal assistance, and other special projects. Performs other duties as directed by the Director.
Michael Roberts

GIS Technician
Updates and maintains official Carroll County Zoning maps, data and maps for Agricultural Land Preservation, municipal assistance, and other special projects. Performs other duties as directed by the Director.
Cori White

Administrative Assistant
Assumes chief responsibility for coordinating the work assignments for the Director of the Department of Planning & Land Management; performs numerous administrative assignments to include support for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit compliance efforts.
Denise Mathias

Program Manager
Manages the four Carroll County Agricultural Land Preservation Programs which have to date preserved more than 73,000 acres countywide. Assists landowners who wish to retire the development potential of their land in perpetuity through a deed of conservation easement and assists landowners in choosing the program best for them. Works with the Carroll County Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board to implement local and state policy and laws within the goals and objectives of the Carroll County Master Plan and of the Board of County Commissioners.
J. P. Smith, Jr.

Preservation Specialist
Assists program manager in determining eligibility of properties for preservation programs and in processing landowner applications through the settlement stage of the various Agricultural Land Preservation programs. Assists in all aspects of application review and presentation for approval. Prepares and submits land preservation projects for the Upper Patapsco and Little Pipe Creek Rural Legacy Areas under grant agreements with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Carries out inspections of preserved farms to assure good stewardship and conservation practices are in effect.
Jackie Brathuhn

Office Technician
Provides secretarial support and services to the Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board and program staff. Prepares agendas for Board meetings and prepares minutes and follow-up correspondence. Researches property deeds and tracks application procedures for each of the land preservation programs and maintains the GIS database for these programs.
Donna Black

Bureau Chief
This position manages and supervises the operations and work program of the Bureau, including oversight of development plan review and processing, testing for adequate public facilities, bonding and recordation.
Laura Matyas

Engineering Review
This position performs the technical review of the engineering design of roads, storm drains, and traffic studies for subdivisions and site plans, in accordance with the County's Road and Storm Drain Design Manual.
Andrea Barko

Development Review Coordinator
This position performs technical reviews of subdivisions, site plans, and off-conveyances to ensure compliance with accepted design and planning practices, in accordance with State and local laws. This position also coordinates the development review process by acting as a project manager.
Amy Barcroft

Development Review Coordinator
This position performs technical reviews of subdivisions, site plans, and off-conveyances to ensure compliance with accepted design and planning practices, in accordance with State and local laws. This position also coordinates the development review process by acting as a project manager.
Kierstin Marple

Development Review Coordinator
This position performs technical reviews of subdivisions, site plans, and off-conveyances to ensure compliance with accepted design and planning practices, in accordance with State and local laws. This position also coordinates the development review process by acting as a project manager.
David Becraft

Legal Document & Surety Coordinator
This position coordinates the processing of legal documents for site development and subdivision plans. The position also oversees the routing of site plan and record plat mylars. The position coordinates the establishment of bond amounts required for the Public Works Agreement and processes bond releases.
Stacy Bowman

Development Review Technician
This position is responsible for entering data into the development tracking system, filing, scanning mylars and a variety of other tasks to support the technical review staff.
Patricia Schaeffer

Office Technician
Serves as the secretary for the Chief of Bureau of Development Review, provides a variety of administrative, secretarial, clerical, and receptionist services.
Cheri Thompson

Bureau Chief
Oversees all activities and projects related to resource management, which includes water resource management, forestry/landscaping, floodplain management, and stormwater management. In addition, oversees all activities and projects relating to the NPDES permit and those projects that involve or affect existing or future community groundwater supply sources.
Janet O'Meara

Office Technician
Provides lead secretarial services for the Bureau. Assists with operating and capital budget management. Manages equipment, supplies, and related inventories. Creates and updates databases and manages the scheduling of calendars.
Marci Boerner

Office Associate
Provides secretarial support and services to the Bureau staff. Responsible for receptionist duties, plan tracking, and forest database management.
Ashley Caine

Watershed Grants Technician
Researches grant opportunities and develops grant proposals to help fund the Bureau’s stormwater management retrofits and tree planting projects. Manages the grant awards and submits all necessary reports to maintain compliance with the funding agencies. This position also coordinates outreach and prepares the Bureau’s quarterly newsletter.
Kelly Martin

Chief Reviewer/Inspector
Administers and coordinates grading, sediment control, landscape, forest conservation, and stormwater management inspections and enforcement programs in accordance with Carroll County's Ordinances and Federal, State, and local regulations. Oversees inspectors' work assignments, schedules, and workflow for residential and commercial/industrial sites, road and building construction, stream and wetland protection/restoration, and landscape/forestation projects as related to appropriate ordinances and programs including joint reviews/inspections. Also performs inspections.
Timothy Hare

Environmental Inspector/Grading Reviewers (4 Positions)
Performs grading reviews, inspections, and enforcement, as well as sediment control, landscape, forest conservation, and stormwater management inspections and enforcement activities for residential and commercial/industrial sites, road and building construction, stream and wetland protection/restoration, and landscape/forestation projects in accordance with Carroll County Ordinances and Federal, State, and local regulations.
Charlie Goss

Environmental Inspector/Grading Reviewers (4 Positions)
Performs grading reviews, inspections, and enforcement, as well as sediment control, landscape, forest conservation, and stormwater management inspections and enforcement activities for residential and commercial/industrial sites, road and building construction, stream and wetland protection/restoration, and landscape/forestation projects in accordance with Carroll County Ordinances and Federal, State, and local regulations.
Robin Hill

Environmental Inspector/Grading Reviewers (4 Positions)
Performs grading reviews, inspections, and enforcement, as well as sediment control, landscape, forest conservation, and stormwater management inspections and enforcement activities for residential and commercial/industrial sites, road and building construction, stream and wetland protection/restoration, and landscape/forestation projects in accordance with Carroll County Ordinances and Federal, State, and local regulations.
Tim Matt

Environmental Inspector/Grading Reviewers (4 Positions)
Performs grading reviews, inspections, and enforcement, as well as sediment control, landscape, forest conservation, and stormwater management inspections and enforcement activities for residential and commercial/industrial sites, road and building construction, stream and wetland protection/restoration, and landscape/forestation projects in accordance with Carroll County Ordinances and Federal, State, and local regulations.
Rich Wolters

Environmental Review Supervisor/Floodplain Specialist
Coordinates the operations of the Carroll County Floodplain Management Program. Provides review and coordinates floodplain standards to new development in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws. Maps and tracks, via database, floodplain protection measures within the County. Assists in performing watershed assessment studies as needed
Pat Varga

Water Resources Specialist
Oversees activities related to the protection and management of impacts to surface water resources in Carroll County. Oversees the monitoring program at Piney Run
Heather Bowie

Forest Conservation Specialist
Manages the Forest Conservation Program and administers the Landscape Manual. Responsible for the review and approval of all forest conservation projects related to development projects.
Jonathan Bowman

Stormwater Program Engineer
Responsible for the review and approval of stormwater management. Provides in-house design for stormwater/storm drainage projects when needed. Also currently responsible for the review and approval of floodplain delineations and impacts related to development projects.
Martin B. Covington, III, P.E.

Environmental Review Technician
This position provides technical and administrative support for environmental plan review staff. The technician is responsible to field assessment of development plans, tree plantings, and other inspections as necessary.
Catarina Erbe

Stormwater Review Technician
Reviews and approves development projects for compliance with stormwater management regulations. Assists other review staff with technical questions.
Sarah Kowalski

Stormwater Program Engineer
Responsible for the review and approval of stormwater management. Provides in-house design for stormwater/storm drainage projects when needed. Also currently responsible for the review and approval of floodplain delineations and impacts related to development projects.
Chad Wasileski, P.E.

Water Resource Supervisor
Oversees the activities of our Water Resource Division related to water resources and watershed restoration projects.
Byron Madigan

Water Quality Specialist (Water Resource Division)
Oversees activities related to the protection and management of impacts to surface water resources in Carroll County. Oversees the monitoring program at Piney Run.
Rob Flora-Nakoski

Oversees or assists in projects that involve or affect both existing and future community water supply resources. Provides leadership and/or technical assistance for projects related to water resource development, resource management and protection, karst, sinkhole & geotechnical investigations, and other groundwater-related investigations involving water quantity and/or quality.
Zachary Neal

Water Resource Technician
Provides field, statistical, and project assistance and support related to watershed and water quality monitoring activities related to the County’s internal, trend, and permit compliance water quality monitoring programs.
Garrett Tucker

Watershed Management Coordinator
Coordinates and implements watershed assessment, restoration, and management practices for the Carroll County watershed management efforts in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws. Assists in performing watershed assessment studies as needed.
Claire Hirt

Watershed Restoration Engineer
Provides technical oversight for the completion of stormwater improvement projects for the Carroll County watershed management plan in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws that supports the County’s agencies, municipalities and citizens, within the goals and objectives of the Department of Planning and Land Management.
Gianni Assi

NDPES Compliance Specialist
Provides support to Carroll County and the incorporated municipalities regarding compliance with the NPDES and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits. Coordinates, manages, and implements Phase I and Phase II permit regulation requirements in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws.
Glenn Edwards

Resource Management Technician
Provides technical expertise in watershed management and restoration projects for compliance with Carroll County's NPDES Permit. This work includes obtaining state and federal permits for restoration projects, outreach to property owners, and performing inspections for stormwater facility maintenance.
Teri Fair

Stormwater Management Review Assistant
Provides technical support and review for stormwater management related to development projects. Also provides staff support to Forestry review.
Myron R. Frock

NDPES Compliance Specialist
Provides support to Carroll County and the incorporated municipalities regarding compliance with the NPDES and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits. Coordinates, manages, and implements Phase I and Phase II permit regulation requirements in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws.
Mitch Masser

Zoning Administrator
Interprets and enforces the zoning ordinance. Conducts administrative and variance hearings to Chapter 158, Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 157, Landscape Enhancement or Development, and Chapter 155, Development and Subdivision of Land. Testifies for the court judicial system and Board of Zoning Appeals. Interacts with the public and other agencies to ensure the appropriate use of land. Oversees and manages the Office of Zoning Administration. Acts as Hearing Officer for the Department of Public Works appeals process, for their weed and trash abatement program.
Anastasiya Yemelyanova

Zoning Inspector
Interprets and enforces the zoning ordinance through field inspections while responding to complaints from the public. Prepares reports and testifies on violations for review by the Zoning Administrator, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the court judicial system. Interprets and answers questions from the public related to the zoning ordinance. Approves and ensures that building permits comply with the zoning ordinance. Provides services to citizens by answering questions, providing information, making referrals to other agencies, and appropriately follows through with resolutions of complaints received from the public. Performs numerous assignments as delegated by the Zoning Administrator.
Scott Robinson

Zoning Inspector
Interprets and enforces the zoning ordinance through field inspections while responding to complaints from the public. Prepares reports and testifies on violations for review by the Zoning Administrator, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the court judicial system. Interprets and answers questions from the public related to the zoning ordinance. Approves and ensures that building permits comply with the zoning ordinance. Provides services to citizens by answering questions, providing information, making referrals to other agencies, and appropriately following through with resolutions of complaints received from the public. Performs numerous assignments as delegated by the Zoning Administrator.
Michael Roth

Office Technician
Interprets and enforces the zoning ordinance while dealing with the public in person or by phone. Assures that building permits comply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Coordinates, reviews, and processes all applications for Zoning Administration hearings. Provides service to customers by answering questions, providing information, and assuring appropriate follow through and/or resolution. Receives and initiates investigations for the Zoning Inspector. Assumes chief responsibility for coordinating the business calendar of the Zoning Administrator. Performs numerous administrative assignments delegated by the Zoning Administrator.
Robin Crouse

Bureau Chief
Manages and supervises the operations and work program of the Bureau, including all land use and functional plans, master plan implementation, historic preservation, rezonings, municipal annexations, zoning code text amendments, demographic reporting and forecasting, and coordination on land use issues with the County’s eight municipalities. This position is also responsible for coordinating on state and regional transportation projects, and represents Carroll County on the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board.
Mary Lane

Administrative Assistant
This position assumes chief responsibility for coordinating the business calendar for the Deputy Director; performs numerous administrative assignments delegated by the Deputy Director; and coordinates the scheduling of agenda items for the County Commissioners' Office. This position also serves as the Clerk to the Carroll County Planning & Zoning Commission, preparing and distributing Planning Commission meeting agendas, attending Planning Commission meetings, and preparing related correspondence and minutes.
Gail Hawkins

Comprehensive Planner
- Geographic Areas: City of Taneytown, Finksburg Planning and Citizens Council, Freedom District Citizen Association, Election Districts 1,2 3, 4, 5 and 14
- Planning Processes: Carroll County Housing Study
- Planner: Housing Issues, Sustainable Communities Program
- Committees and Commissions: Circle of Caring, Baltimore Metropolitan Council Housing Committee, Transit Advisory Council
Tiffany Fossett

Comprehensive Planner
- Geographic Areas: Town of Hampstead, Town of Manchester, Election Districts 6 and 8
- Planning Processes: Economic Development and Land Use Study, Rural Villages Assessment
- Planner: Water and Sewer Planning
- Committees and Commissions: Hampstead Main Street Committee, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles working group for the Baltimore Metropolitan Council and Maryland, Water Resource Coordination Council, Chesapeake Bay Program's Land Use Work Group
Andrew Gray, AICP

Comprehensive Planner
- Geographic Areas: Town of Sykesville
- Planning Processes: Patapsco Regional Greenway, Rural Villages Assessment, Safe Routes to Schools
- Planner: Transportation Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Sustainable Communities Program
- Committees and Commissions: Technical Committee, Congestion Management Committee, and Regional Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Group for the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, Finksburg Planning and Citizens’ Council, Mason Dixon Task Force.
Clare Stewart

Comprehensive Planner
- Geographic Areas: Towns of Union Bridge and New Windsor, Election Districts 10, 11 and 12
- Planning Processes: Annual Planning Report, Agricultural Preservation Program Reviews
- Planner: Housing Issues
Javier Toro
Comprehensive Planner
- Geographic Areas: Town of Mount Airy, Election Districts 9 and 13
- Planning Processes: Annexations, Piecemeal Rezonings, Historic Preservation and National Environmental Policy Act (106) reviews
- Planner: Local and state legislative issues
- Committees and Commissions: Historic Preservation Commission Secretary
Planning Technician
- Geographic Areas: City of Westminster, Election District 7
- Planning Processes: Board of Zoning Appeals and Zoning Administrator review, Annexations
- Planner: GIS and planning assistance
- Committees and Commissions: Regional Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Group (BPAG) for the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board
Carly Fillat
GIS Analyst
- Responsibilities: This position prepares maps and GIS data for various planning projects.
- Planning Projects: Annual Planning Report, Triennial Update, Water and Sewer GIS Analyses
- Planning Processes: Demographic Data, Monthly Demographic Reports, 30 Year Demographic Forecasts
- Committees and Commissions: Cooperative Forecasting Group for the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board