Westminster, MD, Wednesday, May 8, 2024 – On May 15, 2024, the Celebrating America Summer Adventure program begins for kids entering 1st through 9th grades. The program starts on May 15, 2024, and ends on September 15, 2024.
Celebrating America is a history initiative created by the Board of County Commissioners to promote a greater understanding of American history and historically significant people, events, and places particularly those within Carroll County.
Participants must register using Carroll County Public Library’s website and earn eight (8) badges to complete the adventure and win prizes. Badges are earned via eligible tasks like reading books, watching videos, and visiting specific places. Those who complete the adventure are automatically entered to win prizes. Prizes, including a laptop, gift cards, books, memberships, and others, will be drawn in October at an invitation-only, prize drawing event.
To request a hard copy of the Summer Adventure program booklet, contact the Commissioner’s Office at vdaly@carrollcountymd.gov.
Thank you to our generous sponsors: Carroll Technology and Innovation Council, Carroll County Public Library, Union Mills Homestead & Grist Mill, Carroll County Farm Museum, 29th Infantry Division, Carroll County Recreation and Parks, Carroll County Office of Tourism, the Historical Museum of the Westminster Fire Department, Historical Society of Mount Airy, Historical Society of Carroll County, New Windsor Heritage Museum, and the Carroll County Genealogical Society.
Visit https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/visitors/celebrating-america-in-carroll-county-md/ for more information and to download the booklet or “like” us on our Celebrating America – Carroll County Facebook page.