County Recognizes April 15th-19th as Work Zone Awareness Week

Westminster, MD, Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – Carroll County Government will recognize April 15 – 19, 2024 as National Work Zone Awareness Week. The county scheduled a variety of activities for the 2024 weeklong commemoration including a work zone safety training day, kickoff event, go orange day, social media storm, and a moment of silence.
National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting the 2024 NWZAW kickoff event on April 16 with the theme, "Work Zones are temporary. Actions behind the wheel can last forever.”
The Carroll County Board of Commissioners will read a proclamation at a local kickoff event on Monday, April 15, 2024, at 9:00am at the Carroll County Maintenance Center on Meadow Branch Road and the county will participate in a variety of events throughout this week including a “Slow Down/ Move Over” Education/Enforcement detail on April 18th on MD 140 in the area of Green Mill Road and Bethel Road, conducted by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Carroll County Department of Public Works, Maryland State Police, and Maryland State Highway Administration.
Carroll County recognizes the contributions of those who work in roadway construction and maintenance, as well as traffic engineers, traffic operations personnel, law enforcement, emergency personnel and others whose work environments include the open road and honor those who have been injured or lost in the line of duty and asks motorists to keep these workers in mind as you travel. Crashes can be prevented by ignoring distractions, staying alert, using extra caution, reducing speed, obeying signage and flaggers, and giving a construction area your undivided attention when approaching, entering, and exiting a work zone.
Carroll County is dedicated to ensuring the safety of work zones and are committed to raising driver awareness with the aid of automated enforcement and other education and enforcement efforts to prevent crashes and injuries.
Join the county in recognizing the importance of work zone safety every day and remember, work zones are temporary, but your actions behind the wheel can last forever!