Recent Ag Census Data Revealed Carroll Agriculture Continues to Add to the Local Economy

Westminster, MD, Monday, March 4, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) issued a press release on February 13, 2024 announcing the results of the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Ag census data provides valuable insights into demographics, economics, land use and activities on U.S. farms and ranches and demonstrates how agriculture is a critical industry in Carroll County that continues to add to the local economy.
An overview of Carroll County data comparing 2022 to the previous 2017 statistics includes:
- Total market value of ag commodity products sold in the county increased 25.39% from over $110 million to over $138 million.
- The number of farms held steady, increasing slightly from 1,174 to 1,180.
- The number of organic operations in the county increased 175% from four to 11.
- The total market value of crop, grain, fruit/berry/tree nut sales each grew at least 18%.
- Total number of acres farmed/land in farms decreased from 146k acres to 130k acres, or 11.3%, which may show a general trend towards less farmland but an increase in the value of the land and its products.
Commissioner Kenny Kiler, President of the Board of County Commissioners said, “The agriculture industry has always been and continues to be a cornerstone for our county. It is an economic driver as well as an essential part of the county’s heritage, tourism, and scenic landscape.”
“As a key Carroll County industry, agriculture remains vital to our local economy and food supply,” said Director of Economic Development Denise Beaver. “The Carroll County Farmers’ Markets will soon open, providing opportunities for residents to buy local products in all corners of the county. Residents may find information about the farmers’ markets and more producers online at”