Workforce Development Seeks Businesses with Summer Job Openings

Westminster, MD, Thursday, May 2, 2024 – Carroll County Department of Economic Development and Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) are pleased to announce the 2024 Summer Youth Employment Program and seek businesses to participate in this beneficial initiative. Local businesses with summer job openings should contact CCWD.
CCWD is seeking 60 employers, including non-profit agencies, who have summer job openings to contact the department about opportunities for youth to meet those needs. CCWD has local youth between 16-18 years old who will work for businesses, free of charge, from July through August 2024.
Examples of types of jobs include recreation, retail, childcare, restaurant, office, farms, as well as other types of positions. Carroll County Government hires the participants, handles all the paperwork, and pays for all wages, taxes, and insurance. Businesses receive no cost workers to boost production and service while also investing in the future, local workforce. Businesses provide valuable work experience and mentoring to our young residents with the added benefit of sometimes hiring long-term regular employees.
“We are excited to expand this year’s Summer Youth Employment Program using available American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The youth in the community are the future talent pipeline for local businesses and this is a win-win option,” said Workforce Development Manager Heather Powell. “This opportunity provides connections for the future careers of our youth and offers businesses a way to invest in this untapped talent pool.”
“I know there are needs for summer help and finding workers for seasonal work can be a challenge for local businesses,” said Director of Economic Development Denise Beaver. “This is a great opportunity for businesses to provide job readiness skills, promote their businesses to potential future employees, and receive a benefit of cost-free summer help!”
Applications are being accepted now. For more information about the Summer Youth Employment Program or Carroll County Workforce Development, please visit the webpage, or contact or 410-386-2820 and reference the Summer Youth Employment Program.
Carroll County Workforce Development operations and programming are supported by federal, state and local resources. The federal funding for Program Year 2023 is $2,575,290.75. This represents 70.30% of available funds.
Carroll County Workforce Development (CCWD) is an office of the Carroll County Department of Economic Development. CCWD administers the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act in collaboration with the Carroll Workforce Development Board and is dedicated to employment, training, and workforce development. It is part of America’s Job Network and offers services Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, please call 410-386-2820 or visit the website at