2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity Continuum of Care Programs for the Homeless

Westminster, MD, Monday, August 7, 2023 – In response to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) release of the Continuum of Care (CoC) application, the Carroll County Circle of Caring Homelessness Board is inviting applications from new or existing CoC agencies to provide housing for homeless populations in Carroll County, Maryland.
Agencies may apply for the renewal of existing CoC projects, may propose a reallocation of an existing project, or propose a new project or expansion of an existing project. The CoC has $30,409 available for an eligible new or expansion bonus project, and $50,000 available for a new eligible project serving victims of domestic violence. Eligible applicants will demonstrate a history of successful management of housing programs for the homeless and the capacity to provide or arrange for services for homeless populations. All applications will be scored using the 2023 Continuum of Care Rank and Review Policy posted at:
To review Continuum of Care requirements, including eligible programs and applicants, go to:
Important Dates - Carroll County CoC
8/07/2023 Notice of CoC NOFO and scoring criteria publicly posted and distributed to CoC
8/14/2023 Letter of Intent (LOIs) due from interested applicants
8/15/2023 Ranking Tool Sent to Applicants submitting LOI
8/25/2023 Project Applications due via PDF
9/11/2023 Written notice sent to successful and unsuccessful applicants
9/14/2023 Board of County Commissioner Approval
9/15/2023 Final Project Applications submitted via Esnaps
9/28/2023 CoC Application Due to HUD
Contact for LOIs, Applications, and Questions
Debby Standiford
225 N. Center Street
Westminster, MD 21157