Carroll County Urges Safety for Holiday Weekend

Westminster, MD, Friday, June 30, 2023 – Carroll County Sheriff’s Office and Carroll County Government want to take this opportunity to wish residents and visitors a very happy and safe 4th of July as we celebrate and honor our country’s Independence Day and urge everyone to keep celebrations safe and healthy this long holiday weekend.
Please exercise an abundance of caution and make safe and healthy decisions as you celebrate and enjoy the company of family, friends, and the community. Always comply with laws, apply safe driving practices, and plan ahead to ensure you have a safe ride to and from your destination.
We encourage you to visit the Carroll County Farm Museum for the annual 4th of July celebration featuring Carroll’s largest fireworks display. Gates open at 4pm with fireworks to go off at sundown (approximately 9:30-10pm). Enjoy fabulous food, fun and live entertainment before enjoying the fireworks from a safe and secure event.