Environmental Advisory Council Seeks Nominations for Awards

Westminster, Maryland, Thursday, July 6, 2023 – The Carroll County Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is seeking nominations for the 2023 Environmental Actions Awards. Awards are presented biennially to individuals and groups chosen from nominees submitted for consideration by their peers, although self-nominations will be accepted.
Individuals and groups that have demonstrated and promoted awareness of the environment through their actions and projects may be recognized for their efforts. Awards will be granted for endeavors and projects that result in positive benefit to the environment and have the potential for long-term community environmental benefit in each of three categories: Positive Practices, Educational Outreach, and Student Engagement.
The Positive Practices category winner, whether group or individual, will receive a $100 gift card to Sun Nurseries in Woodbine and a gift basket valued at $50 from JeannieBird Baking Company. The Educational Outreach winner will receive a gift basket valued at $50 from JeannieBird Baking Company in Westminster and a gift basket from Sun Nurseries. Spot-On Engineering Solutions, Inc. is sponsoring a $1,000 student scholarship for the winner of the Student Engagement category, and Atlantic Blue Water Services in Westminster is sponsoring a $500 student scholarship for the runner-up. The student winner will also receive a gift basket valued at $50 from JeannieBird Baking Company.
Nomination criteria and forms, as well as information on how to submit a nomination, are available at https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/government/boards-commissions/environmental-advisory-council/environmental-action-awards/. The deadline for nominations is July 31, 2023.