FY2024 Proposed Budget Released for Public Comment Remaining Schedule Including Public Hearing on May 9th

Westminster, Md, Wednesday, April 26, 2023 – Yesterday, the Board of County Commissioners unveiled its proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, which begins July 1, 2023. The $546.7 million General Fund, which authorizes day-to-day expenses, sees an increase of $45.4M or 9.1% from FY2023. The budget proposes no property tax rate increase for FY2024. The budget does include proposed revenue increases with the Recordation Rate fee increasing from $5.00/$500 to $6.25/$500 in addition to fee increases for solid waste and utilities. The proposed FY2024 Budget is available on the county’s website for public viewing.
Carroll County Management and Budget Director Ted Zaleski presented the budget overview to the board. Next, Mr. Zaleski will host five community meetings at library branches to review and explain the budget. All interested residents are encouraged to attend.
Budget Community Presentations:
Wednesday, April 26th 7:00 pm Eldersburg Library
Thursday, April 27th 7:00 pm Mount Airy Library
Monday, May 1st 7:00 pm Westminster Library
Tuesday, May 2nd 7:00 pm Taneytown Library
Wednesday, May 3rd 7:00 pm North Carroll Library
A Budget Public Hearing is scheduled to be held in person at Carroll Community College Scott Center located at 1601 Washington Road in Westminster on Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be live-streamed for viewing purposes on the county’s YouTube channel, but participation must be in person. The recording will be available after on the website, meeting portal, and Comcast Channel 24. Those unable to attend the public hearing but wish to comment may submit any questions or concerns directly to Director Zaleski at tzaleski@carrollcountymd.gov.
The commissioners may hold additional budget work sessions to make any modifications to the proposed budget based on the information received during the Budget Public Hearing. Formal adoption of the FY2024 budget is scheduled for Tuesday, May 23, 2023.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change, so please check the county website or call 410-386-2400 to confirm.
Open Session meetings are available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.