FY2024 Recommended Budget

Westminster, MD, Thursday, March 23, 2023 –Today during Open Session, Director of Management and Budget Ted Zaleski presented the detailed FY24 Recommended Budget and FY 24-29 Plans to the Carroll County Board of Commissioners (BOC). The budget process documents can be viewed on the county website.
Throughout March, April and May, a series of budget meetings will be held to develop and adopt the final budget. Please check the county website for meeting updates. The board will next meet with agencies requesting funding that wasn't included in the Recommended Budget. Below is the list of meetings as they are currently scheduled:
Agency Meetings with Commissioners:
Thursday, March 23rd
Tuesday, March 28th
Thursday, March 30th
After the commissioners meet with agencies, the board will begin discussing the budget options among themselves to create a proposed budget. The Proposed Budget Work Sessions will begin on April 4th.
Once the Proposed Budget is agreed upon by a majority of the commissioners, a release of the FY24 Proposed Budget will be held on Tuesday, April 25th.
Mr. Zaleski will hold a series of community meetings at the library branches to review and explain the Proposed Budget. Budget community presentations are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday, April 26th 7:00 pm Eldersburg Library
Thursday, April 27th 7:00 pm Mount Airy Library
Monday, May 1st 7:00 pm Westminster Library
Tuesday, May 2nd 7:00 pm Taneytown Library
Wednesday, May 3rd 7:00 pm North Carroll Library
A Budget Public Hearing is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 7:00 pm. at Carroll Community College’s Scott Center located at 1601 Washington Road in Westminster. More information on the public hearing will be provided closer to the date.
Residents may also submit any questions or concerns directly to Director Zaleski at tzaleski@carrollcountymd.gov.
Additional Budget Work Sessions may be held by the commissioners to make any modifications to the proposed budget based on the information received during the Budget Public Hearing. These work sessions are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th and Thursday, May 18th.
The FY2024 budget adoption is planned for Tuesday, May 23rd.
Updated information can be viewed on the Bureau of Budget webpage as it becomes available: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/government/directory/management-budget/bureau-of-budget/.
At this time, these sessions are in person and open to the public, will be televised on Channel 24 and streamed live on the county website. All meetings will be held in the County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157, unless otherwise noted. Meeting times and places are subject to change, so please check the county website or call 410-386-2400 to confirm.
Meetings are available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.