Taneytown Senior Center Closure Monday Morning November 13, 2023

Taneytown MD, Thursday, November 9th, 2023 - On Monday, November 13th, 2023, the Taneytown Senior and Community Center located at 220 Roberts Mill Road in Taneytown will be closed from 8 am-10 am due to an interruption in water service while work is completed on a fire hydrant. The Carroll County Bureau of Aging and Disabilities will reevaluate at 10 am to determine if the Center can reopen at that time. In the event the center can reopen, lunchtime meals will be provided to members. If the center does not reopen, members who ordered meals may receive a lunch at any of the four other senior centers. In that case, we ask members to call ahead to alert the respective center staff. Residents are also invited to participate in activities in any of the four other senior centers:
Mt. Airy Senior Center (410-386-3960)
North Carroll Senior Center (410-386-3900)
South Carroll Senior Center (410-386-3700)
Westminster Senior Center (410-386-3850)
Please contact the Taneytown Senior Center (410-386-2700) on Monday for an update prior to visiting the Senior Center. You may also contact the Bureau of Aging and Disabilities at 410-386-3800.